Thursday, September 08, 2005

“I’m an American”

-So are you going to bomb us?
-Are you here for Chinese baby?
-Give him a Coca-Cola with lots of ice.
-Are you going to bring us freedom and democracy?
-Are you going to take naked pictures of us?
-He cannot just bomb us. He has to ask Jesus first.
-Are you talking to Jesus now? Is he here?
-Does your bible tell you that you’re a lousy tipper?
-You believe everything your President says, right?
-Are you gay?
-Are you married?
-They have gay marriage. He is here to get Chinese baby for his gay spouse.
-Will you marry me?
-Do you have HBO?
-What is wrong with Tom Cruise?
-What is wrong with Michael Jackson?
-What is wrong with Kathy Holmes (sic). She not know Tom Cruise gay, gay, gay?
-You are not fat enough to be an American. Are you Canadian or in the movies?
-Would you like a hamburger?
-Would you like a hot dog?
-Would you like to pray now?
-You should send your children here. We have public schools.
-Black Americans are so talented. Why do you keep oppressing them?
-Your bear is very cute.