pruient pics by crookedletter
-Go and tell your Master that his Masters are here.
-You will pay for this impudence.
-May I introduce my friend, Baron Skin-Eater?
-Good, good.
-Why, hello! Your mommy and daddy aren’t home, are they?
-Yes, I’d like it if you came next Thursday.
-I’d like to open a new bank account, please.
-Oh, about six weeks.
-Get whatever you want on your half.
-Good, good.
-Strip them. Arouse the Mongoloid.
-Oh, nothing much, how about you?
-Strapado: S-T-R-A-P-A-D-O
-Yes, you may borrow it.
-Okay. I am going now.
-One Adult and one Senior Citizen’s Discount please.
-Yes, I would like butter. A lot of butter.
-Good, good.
TURN #70: WEEK 56; WORDS: 61,456
NEXT BY 19 JULY 2006
Laugh aloud funny!
"There's an awful lot of moisture in here."
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