Friday, July 22, 2005

2. Descent

Down the ramp I am joined by others, who move at a light jog, as though liberated or doing something vaguely criminal. We pass a smiling parking attendant. Several people attempt to inform him of what is happening and what should be done about it. Other, less constructive things are also said. He just smiles and actually flaps his arms and says:

-I just quit

And I never saw a freer, or more natural man.

Once I am back on the street, there are tons of people and half of them have earbuds of one kind or another, walkie-talkies and many, many lanyards with badges on them. The other half looks a little lost and a little wild, like they're getting pushed around. They are because the street, even the sidewalk is blocked off. There doesn’t seem to be any way around. Space, apparently, must be made for the celebrities, for somebody. Perhaps a good half of the people there who are not security want to know who, but whoever it is never arrives, we just see the big white space made for them on the red carpet. I try to double back through an alley.

-Hey, hey, don’t go that way, it’s all fucked up, those guys’ll fuck with you.
-Oh yeah?
-Go to the left over there, then you can turn around and get out.
-Hey thanks.
-Hey, let me ask you something
-Do you like Hip-hop music?
-Yeah, I love it
-Well listen to this
-I really don’t have time right now, I’ve got to return this pornographic video.
-Well, can you help a brother out?
-Uh, I’m sorta between projects, right now
-Oh yeah?
-Yeah, but I’ve got a good network going. I’m just waiting to hear back from some people, you know. I’m hearing some things. It’s going good.
-Well, I’m glad to hear it. Sounds like you got it going on.
-Yeah, I try to
-So can you help me out at all?
-Not today, but um, definitely, if something develops, let’s get together, for sure
-Sounds good, man. I’ll see you around.

The homeless guy was right, but unfortunately, I try to dodge the crowd by cutting through another parking garage and unfortunately a smaller crowd apparently had the same idea, but had been stopped. People looked awful pissed and there was a mood that someone was going to do something about the situation, whatever that was. Mostly, everyone was just standing around. Someone, something of a leader, began berating the security guards about the California civil code, the Patriot Act and Civil Rights. These remarks were lost on the guards. We were segregated behind a clear barrier, but a barrier that formed no physical impediment. Our representative decided to take some human initiative about this:

-You can’t go through there, sir
-I just want to pee. All these people just want to pee.
-Hey, hey this is not public restroom land
-Well, see about that

We are running, more or less. A fast walk.
-Jesus, did you see that? They just tasered this guy for peeing on an Audi.
-It was a Saab.
-He had his pecker out and everything.
-Did it get hard?
-What are you, some kind of pervert?
-I just asked a question.

They sort of move away from each other after that exchange. Beneath his unseasonable trench coat, the guy who knows his import cars appears to be wearing a light chain mail.

-Jesus, you talk to somebody.
-It was a weird question, I say, to be agreeable.
-You’re not a pervert, are you?
-No, I’m not, I say and adjust the copy of “Force 10 from Necrophile” in the rear waistband of my pants.

We continue together for a while. We hear a series of popping sounds. It is not clear if they are from inside the garage or the street.

-Were those gunshots?
-Yeah they were gunshots.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, I am sure. They came from over there. Get yourself down. Come over here and keep your head down.
-T-Mobile is down or I’m not getting any reception, you?
-I use Nextel; I can’t dial out either.
-How do we get out of here?
-Not that way.

There are more gunshots. Some yelling.

-Let’s go.

We move pretty quickly. Around a corner, we spot a guy in tactical gear aimed at our corner.

-Hey, excuse me, officer?
-Keep your distance, sir
-Yeah, I just have a question
-Do not approach me!
-What the fuck! Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!
-Do not approach!
-Don’t shoot me!
-Get up slowly. What’s your question?
-What the fuck is going on around here?
-I don’t know. I’m not a police officer. I work for a private company. There don’t seem to be any around. I suggest you go back up that ramp. There are a lot of perverts around.
-Yeah, well thanks a lot.
-You’re welcome.
-Hey, is there a restroom around here?
-I’m sorry, restroom is for customers only.

-Why you let that guy talk to you that way, he’s not a cop, he pointed his freakin’ machine gun at you
-I didn’t want to buy anything.

Out on the street something is happening. There is no way through. There are sirens, but they stop suddenly, like they were suddenly mired in something. Some people are running. I am worried that they might start stampeding. Border’s Books looks open. Inside you can see young people sitting by the window, studying, drinking coffee. We have to press against the flow a bit to get in. It is surprisingly quiet. There is one staff member talking on a cell phone. We listen for a bit. She has dog with a skin disease, that’s what we learn. We look at the TV, but it just shows stuff blowing up in Iraq. There are tons of people outside.

-Where are you going?
-I’m gonna look for a book.
-What are you crazy?
-I’m not gonna buy it. I just want to see if it’s there.
-What the fuck is wrong witchoo?
-I used to study philosophy.
-We don’t have time for this.
-It’ll just take a second.

We go for a bit and it’s hard going, because it’s a Borders. I walk up to an upper mezzanine to get a better view. This is something I learned from video games. From near the Cinnabun I spot the sign for “psychology”; philosophy cannot be far off. The counter reeks of icing, shortening and spilled cinnamon. I go back down. We don’t get very far when there is a shriek from outside and people starting yelling. Everyone inside Borders is alert now, because people are starting to get pressed against the glass and one pane makes a little popping sound, but does not give way.

-I don’t think it’s here.
-Maybe there’s a back way out of here
-I don’t think they have any books here, it’s just calendars and stuff
-What about those?
-Those are on tape.
-I read that. That was good one.
-Stephen King, I’ve heard of him
-Actually, I saw the movie, but it was pretty good.

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